I. About the Authoress
II. Preface from the Authoress
III. My Brief Experience in Eternity and What I Saw
Part I: Life of the Soul after the Death of the Body
1. Satan rebelled against God
2. Sinners always fear death
3. A true scientist is never an atheist
4. Sufferings allowed by God
Part II: My Visions of the Coming Universal Judgment
1. Signs of approaching universal judgment
2. The world immediately before the judgment
3. Resurrection of the dead
4. Christ announced the judgment
5. Intercession by the Virgin Mary and the Saints
Part III: Among The Stars
Part IV: Hell
1. How demons torment sinners in Hell
2. Annual celebration of demons in commemoration of Satan’s revolt against God
3. Satan announced special torments for some great sinners
4. Satan described how he would send the Anti-Christ
5. What does Purgatory look like?
Part V: The Resplendent Paradise
1. Planets of the souls of other religions
2. Planets of the souls of the Just (Christians who died with Sanctifying Grace)
3. The place where the mother of the Authoress dwells
4. Planets of the Saints
5. The Authoress entered Heaven
6. Intercession of the Blessed Virgin for the Living
VI: Conclusion
Declaration: “In compliance with the Decrees of the Holy See, particularly of the Congregation of Worship, we declare that what is expressed in the present publication needs no other assent than that which deserves a reliable human witness and that, by no means, do we intend to preclude the judgment of the Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church.”
Nihil Obstat: 10-04-2002 Imprimatur: 10-05-2002
Rev. Msgr. J.C. Abriol Rev. Fr. Francis Gustilo, SDB
Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Manila Provincial
The prophetic vision of Fanny E. Moisseieva as chronicled in From Hell To Eternity deal with the eschatological events facing humanity as never before: the end time and the coming of the Antichrist, death, judgment, salvation, and eternity.
From Fanny Moisseieva’s near-death experience in 1928 comes one of the earliest recorded NDE dealing on all these events in a balanced and down-to-earth manner. Paradoxically, though, her terrible vision of hell proclaims a message of hope, healing and salvation for this darkest of reality also serves as the backdrop for the abundant graces which she proclaims overflow from the Sacraments especially the Holy Eucharist, of firm faith in Christ, on the necessity of prayer and good works, of devotion to the Blessed Mother, the saints and angels. In the beginning of the narrative, we are alarmed; but in the end, we are awed at the judgment and mercy of God.
Accompanied by an angelic guide, Fanny also witnessed Satan’s plan for demonic possession of the world through the Antichrist.
Translated from the original Russian into Spanish by Lino Copucio. English version translated from the Spanish by Mrs. Marie Madeleine Keet. Borrowed from The End of Days
I. About the Authoress
Fanny Moisseieva was born on 1 January 1895 of a family with patriotic leanings toward the Tsar and their dear country Russy. Fanny Efimovna Moisseieva was born in Celnocava and spent her childhood in the lovely countryside in the village of Klin, province of Moscow.
The fresh limpid birch trees surrounded by lilies of the valley and perfumed by magnificent lilacs gave her a deep affection for nature. In this peaceful setting her faith blossomed and was further nurtured by her mother who herself was tranquil due to her predisposition to prayer.
It happened while quite young that she was playing in the fields when she heard church music. She thought there was a procession but she realized that the melody was coming from above – in the clear blue sky. She ran home to tell her mother. This happened many times. She often begged her parents to allow her to enter a convent but was always refused. Seeing their daughter becoming more insistent, they decided to put an end to it by marrying her off.
During the terrible days of Bolshevism immediately after the death of her father at Kurok, the Bolsheviks threw boiling water over her mother in a bestial attack. Her last words were, “God be praised.”
The author’s father was a strict and serious character who would passionately read alound the lives of the Saints to his children. He frequently sang psalms, obliging the children to listen and pray. Fanny’s religious family undoubtedly influenced her childhood.
Having studied nursing, she responded to the call of her country and enlisted as a Red Cross nurse. During the war years Fanny worked in the front lines. During the Civil War she worked in Siberia under General Kolciak of the White Army that fought to protect the Kremlin and the churches against the sacrilegious Communists.
I recall her sad disposition during the retreat across the frozen Baikal River where the temperature was 40 degrees below zero. During her confinement in a hospital in Hankow China in 1928, she suffered a heart attack that put her into a nine-day coma. The narration of what she was shown during this coma was wrought through her immense faith. Eternal truths were given her directly by God. For this reason one should read her work with serious attention due to its worthy contents.
Signed: (Colonel) N. Moisseieva
II. Preface from the Authoress
Five months had passed after my experience yet I was still undecided as to how to express my visions. I did not have the strength to relate either the suffering that I went through during my sojourn in Hell or the beauty and excellence of Paradise, which is incomparable to anything on earth.
Yet all these visions were before me and would not depart my memory. On the contrary, they seemed to grow clearer as months went by. One night, I felt a presence near my pillow. I tried to call my sister, who was sleeping nearby, but my arms would not move. In terror I tried to call out, but all in vain; so I murmured a prayer. Then I heard a gentle voice say, “Why don’t you give witness to men of what you have seen? Fear God and do not provoke His anger. From today, you must start to write down everything so that eternal existence may be made known.”
III. My Brief Experience in Eternity and What I Saw
Part I. Life of the Soul after the Death of the Body
On Doctor Tastari’s orders, I was obliged to rest in a Catholic Hospital in the township of Hankow, China. On the fifth day of my hospitalization in March 1928, I fainted after a very painful heart attack. When I awoke, I begged the doctor for help. He calmed me with medication. But that evening the maid who came to bring my supper found me immobile, as if dead. She reported this to the ward nurse who called the doctor on night duty. On his examination he declared me dead so I was wheeled to the mortuary.
After being washed, I was laid on a table and covered with a sheet. The Chinese attendant found some flowers and placed them by my side. The next day Dr. Tastari was informed of my death. He then went to the morgue. Lifting my eyelids, he concluded that I was not really dead and ordered that I be placed in a well-heated room.
Three days elapsed without my body showing any signs of change, indicating I was in coma. This state of coma lasted several days during which time I had neither nourishment nor medication. I had no pulse nor heart beat and my breathing was inert.
At about seven in the evening of the 10th day, I awoke and stretched my arms and legs. I noticed that I was in a small room curiously being watched by the hospital staff. I did not feel any pain and just felt as though I had awakened from normal sleep. However, I felt a certain weakness throughout my body. When the attendants saw me sit up, they scrambled out of the room. Not knowing what was happening I thought perhaps there was a fire. So I ran after them into the corridor. But being very weak I had no support myself on the windowsill. I gestured that I was thirsty because I had lost my voice, but nobody came to my aid. They just peeped at me from half-closed doors. Being in a daze I could not understand why they had moved me from the large ward into this small room. I must have awoken from a very deep sleep. By this time the news reached the ward sister. The doctor was notified who then came and placed me in a warm bed to assist my recovery. By the grace of God Almighty I was delivered from being buried alive.
After the attending doctor ascertained that I was out of danger and resting, a strange somnolence seized me and I slept. But it could not be called sleep. I felt a particular torpor of physical relaxation and a strange feeling of duplicity of my being. I cannot explain exactly how it was, but I clearly felt this doubling which scared me. I had never experienced such a strange sensation. All kinds of thoughts arose rapidly in me like the swelling waves of the tempest. Despite all this I resisted and fought for life. However, I could not move nor breathe; my arms were paralyzed. This is the end, I thought. Suddenly a strange chill ran down my back and I felt a separation. I sensed that I was reduced to nothing, as though I did not exist any more.
I cannot say how long this lasted when all of a sudden I found myself in the middle of the ward. I was transformed into a light and ethereal being from what I had been a little earlier by an unknown force. I sensed I had been liberated from the heavy clothing that I had been wearing. Involuntarily I lowered my eyes and saw myself standing completely naked. Then lifting my eyes I saw all the other patients asleep. I was ashamed and turned to my bed to lie down and cover myself, but to my uttermost stupor I saw myself lying there immobile and presumably dead. I was surprised to see myself standing, but at the same time lying immovable on the bed.
Immediately my conscience told me that I had started another existence where the word “death” sounded stupid and inconsequential. I felt and knew clearly that death does not exist and that life does not cease. My body seemed dead, but I did not lament it at all, only the pity and fear for myself of what I had been. Where will I go? How will I spend my eternity? My hearing became sharper, sensitive to the least noise. My sight was keen and piercing. I saw everything very distinctly in a new light.
From the window I saw luminous young people flying, clothed in white, their heads surrounded by a golden light. They surrounded me – waiting for something. At the same time a multitude of malignant spirits, repulsive and ugly, appeared in the ward. Their disagreeable faces reflected perversity, their contortions filling the ward with their crude muttering. Then, in horror, I saw their piercing eyes glare at me as they advanced forward. I screamed. All at once the ward was filled with light and someone covered me by the hand, he said, “Fear not while you are with me, they will not touch you.” Wherefore, they disappeared as soon as the light entered – not knowing how. The voice continued, “You are of our family, while they have none of ours. I have come to you to show you the truth of what exists and what will come to pass.”
1. Satan rebelled against God.
Then, as in a globe, we started to ascend. In an instant the city disappeared and my companion said, “Now you have seen how life passes from the world to that of eternity, the souls of the just and those of sinners.” I saw how the evil spirits fought for the souls of the poor miserable sinners who were trembling with fear, while the good Angels stood at a distance. The poor souls stretched out their miserable arms towards the Angels, but in vain. On the contrary, I saw, amidst jubilant hymns and canticles, the Angels conducting to Heaven the souls of the just.

“Why are these in the world, the good and the wicked spirits?” I asked my companion. He explained to me that in the beginning God created the Spirit world of immortal Angels and gave them free will to live happily with Him or to abandon Him. Some of them revolted against God with ingratitude; so they were driven out of His presence because they were no longer worthy to enjoy heavenly bliss with Him. And He cursed the Archangel who started the revolt calling him, Devil or “Satan.”
Once driven out of Paradise, the fallen angels became ugly and horrible. They took refuge in different planets, deprived of God’s grace. Some fell to the earth. Eternal enemies of God, they started to teach disobedience and all wickedness to God’s creatures. God saw the difficulties of men on earth who were completely under Satan’s influence without hope of ever entering Heaven. Then for the salvation of the human race God sent upon earth His only Begotten Son.
2. Sinners always fear death
As we spoke, we approached a big city. A little later we were in the house of a dying sinner. For three days he was tormented, as his soul would not separate from his body. Without any pity for the dying man, a drunken party in the adjoining room emitted blasphemies and sacrileges. I saw a group of Angels standing afar hoping that the dying man would call to God for mercy. But alas, no; the hope of the Angels was in vain. They vanished, and then evil spirits took over completely. My companion said, “The hour of death for this sinner has arrived. Rooted in sin, he does not understand the terrible situation he is in and does not think where his soul will be. He thinks of himself only. Always in a hurry, always seeking something, pursuing his futile dreams and committing all kinds of sins. But if he considered his sinful life, he would know it would separate him from God and that he would die in sin, taking with him to eternity his disobedience and continuous revolt against God.”

The sinner died muttering horrible and insensible words. His eyes looked far away, not knowing what he lived for in the world. Suddenly I saw a horrible spirit approach the dying man with a most malicious voice saying, “You are mine.” The dying man breathed his last with a frightful convulsion and became inanimate. He was dead and the devil departed with his soul. Involuntarily, I thought at that moment if I resembled that soul which had just separated from his body. I looked at my hands and feet which had corporal form, but of a substance inconceivable to human beings. Then there was complete silence. The drunkards in the house stopped carousing. They approached the dead man, called to him, but there was no answer. Their faces fell with an air of terror and all fled the house into the street. I asked my companion, “Why are people afraid of the dead, even of a parent or a loved one?” He answered, “Because death for men is a terrible and impenetrable mystery. They think that at the moment of death the dead is no longer part of this world. Also instinctively they sense that the spirit of the dead might still be present near his dead body and haunt them. Moreover, if the soul is immortal then they fear that they will have to face their own sins, and so deserve punishment. The fear of death is the fear of God. On the contrary, the good do not fear death because they love God."
“Now you see the soul is immortal and continues to exist. How wrong, therefore, are those who doubt the immortality of the soul. On the other hand, apparitions of the souls of dead persons are not rare. There have been many apparitions of Saints who performed miracles. For this reason they should believe in the immortality of the soul. Come, let us leave this house.”
“Why is not everyone happy in the world?” I asked him, “And why are there very rich people and others in dire poverty?” He answered: “Life on earth is only temporary and the various aids given men are to help him in the world. God in His infinite wisdom has given man the intelligence and the will to choose the good or the bad, for which he will be responsible.
“The rich must not be troubled by the Gospel, in which is said, ‘It is more difficult for a rich man to enter into paradise than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.’ Undoubtedly, the rich person may be tempted to sin by the pleasures and comforts surrounding him in which case the commandments of God are more and more ignored from which the poor are not tainted. Whether the rich are good or whether they are pious and practice their faith, it is certain that those who are grateful to God for his omnipotent generosity towards them will be well received in Heaven. So it was with Abraham, who was blessed with opulence, servants and sheep and all the goods of his time. He enjoyed them and also was faithful to the commandments. God was pleased with him and blessed him, favoring him above other men, by showing him the apparition of the Holy Trinity in the form of three pilgrims.”
“Our Lord Jesus Christ, in one of his parables related how the Angels carried the poor and pious Lazarus to Abraham’s bosom. God was very pleased with Abraham for he was a good and virtuous man and was received in the Kingdom of Heaven. Being poor does not merit paradise either, unless one practices charity towards one’s neighbors. Then they can contemplate the joys of Heaven.”
3. A true scientist is never an atheist.
While we flew over a big city, I noticed people of different nationalities and also of different colors and race. “What was the origin of this diversity of humans?” He answered, “After God created the three kingdoms – animals, birds and fish, He created in His own image and likeness Adam and Eve. From their descendants, different parts of the world were populated. Since the creation of the world, many changes have taken place by the will of God. Many continents went under water and certain sea beds rose to the surface. All these changes affected those people living on those continents. God made their skins black, red, or yellow according to the climatic conditions in which they lived. Separated by seas and oceans, people forgot others existed; thus, differences in their ideas and languages. Yet God desired that all know and obey Him.”
Flying over a big cathedral I noticed a shaft of golden light emanating from the cupola. “What is it?” I asked. He said, “It is the prayers offered during the elevation of the Consecrated Host and Sacred Wine. During the most solemn moment of the Mass the prayers ascend direct to the Lord and bring down much good for the souls so dear to God. No action or words can compare with that solemn moment when glory and praise ascend to the Holy Trinity and benefit, simultaneously, the living and the dead.”

“If one person loves another she naturally desires all the good for her friend. We can invoke God’s grace for our friend especially during the elevation of the sacred species. God being all goodness and love will accord it to our friend, depending on the way we beg for this grace.”
“God grants graces through prayers. Prayer leads us to the right path. It encourages and saves us. In fact, prayer is indispensable for the soul. It strengthens our faith and helps us in our battles against adversity. Prayer inspires hope and trust in God. They eyes of those who pray are opened to see God’s goodness in everything, everywhere.”
“He who does not pray and aspire for heavenly blessings is deprived of the Holy Spirit. Then the spirit of evil takes possession of him, blinding him so that the goodness of grace does not penetrate him. He loses his dignity, which brings him hatred and fear of an angry God. He forgets or never thinks of his death or of divine judgment. The evil spirit tempts the man toward his ways until the very mention of God is distasteful to him. In which case he thinks there is no God and the world is sufficient in itself. Do not believe the atheists. Leave them to their own opinions, but know that their opinions are the suggestion of the evil one.”
“Actual cities have been unearthed after being buried for thousands of years. This proves that God punished these cities for their ingratitude, showing at the same time His almighty power.”
“Scientists, while unearthing and studying the laws of nature, are astounded at the grandeur of creation. They are quietly filled with awe by the greatness and power of God’s omnipotence. That is why a true scientist is never an atheist. Investigating nature with his God-given genius, he recognizes the Great Creator with all his heart and soul. God, seeing the desire and intelligence of men who search for better knowledge of things to ameliorate their short existence, will aid to the perfection of their souls. However, ungrateful men, arriving at a high degree of culture, believe themselves wholly responsible for everything. Men who do not recognize Divine Providence deserve God’s anger and punishment. God shall destroy all their undertakings and allow another generation to perfect it; hence, in this way men must realize that nothing is achieved without God.”
4. Sufferings allowed by God
After a brief pause he continued. “Now, for example, certain people undergo illnesses and sufferings, which God in His goodness allows for the purification of their souls, especially when their sojourn in this world comes to an end. Many are ignorant of the fact that their sufferings are allowed by God. Never blame God for any misfortune which He in His desire for your salvation allows to happen to you. Providentially, however, if men would call on His mercy and His Holy Name He would show pity on them. He desires the salvation of all. Each sign and mention of the Lord’s Name is a prayer and draws the soul nearer to God.”

“We must be generous and charitable, giving to the poor and needy. For this reason all those who torment the less fortunate will be punished. But we must also pray. Without prayer and good works there is no salvation for the soul.”
I asked, “How can an atheist or agnostic be illumined to receive God’s grace?” He said, “By uniting to the Church which is the stairway to Heaven. In her they will find grace because she gives glory to the Lord in all she does. When an atheist enters a church and lifts his mind to God saying, ‘Lord, show me Thy will, give me faith and I will obey,’ grace will be given him. For our Lord said: ‘I will not send away those who come to me.” And faith will enter his heart and he will revolt against his sins. The stronger he revolts against his sins the greater will be his faith and comprehension. He will find consolation in Jesus Christ and will rejoice the more when he searches deeper. Preserve your faith, put God in your heart. Incredulity will come to harm. It is a moral disease, flee it like the pestilence. What is existence without God’s grace? Without God there is no consolation.”
“Never complain about God’s justice. Who are we to judge Almighty God? We should often bow our heads in gratitude. The evil spirits know God’s existence but they wish to disobey Him and remain evil. Never blame anything on fate or destiny which do not exist: for if your life has been predestined how can God reward you, or punish you for your transgressions. For man’s actions are the products of his own will. Life is a battle and we must invoke God’s help every moment. How many difficult problems have been solved through God’s intervention. Many have had such experiences and should be grateful. When at other times man finds himself in disgrace, he must make greater effort to invoke God’s help to overcome it. He must never despair for help will come. Everything is governed by God’s universal wisdom. All creation comes from the superior intelligence of God and for this reason man is given the intelligence to sense the great work of creation. Man is not deprived of this sensation.”
“There are events in the lives of certain people that assume an extraordinary significance when they can feel and see the hand of God. Let us remember the prophecy of the Anointed One. ‘From the root of David the Savior of the world will be born.’ Let us remember the prophecy of the earthly life of Jesus Christ. In the fulfillment of these prophecies is seen the great design of God; therefore it would be wrong to compare this with the human concept of destiny. Destiny does not exist. This word and concept is an invention of man. The life of each one is designed according to his will and his good or bad actions. Man is the lord and master of his own life, and precisely for this reason he has been given intelligence. That is why he must answer to God for all he has done during his life on earth. If he is suffering for his sins, he must see that the fault is entirely within him. Another great error is to attribute to destiny all the help God gives, when for example, God gives His grace to those who firmly believe that He loves them. Divine grace always descends on men, but more especially during his most difficult and painful moments, as when one suffers or is in need of urgent help. Life is a battle; therefore, during decisive moments man must combat with his initiative and overcome the obstacles that are intended to help him reach the definite satisfaction of his desires. However, when the will and intelligence of man are not capable of supporting the hardships of life, and when man is incapable of fighting or is unable to defend himself, God comes to his aid in a wonderful manner. This is clear for all to see. With some people this happens more than once in their lives.”
“Many believe that marriages are fixed in heaven; I repeat, destiny does not exist, but certain marriages happen through the will of God. Some unions are the reward for a pious life; then the lives of the couple are peaceful and happy. Other marriages are allowed as a trial. Destiny then, does not exist. However, in the life of every man there are periods of happiness granted by heaven. Then in his work, business, relations with other men, and in all things he is accompanied by success and has peace of soul.”
“In some cases such happiness does not last long and changes for the worst, often when one least expects it. Man must adapt his will and accept it. Happiness exists, but in the life of each one there is also tragedy and misfortune. Man must remember that these periods do not last forever. For this reason, in times of trial, man must force his will and his spirit to overcome misfortune, not lose courage and become desperate, losing his peace of mind. Remember that Divine Wisdom reigns over the entire universe. Every tear, every disgrace, every suffering, every joy of yours is necessary for the realization of His will. All the creation of God is the fruit of an infinitely higher intelligence; therefore, the life of man cannot be deprived of meaning. Men during their life should realize the express will of God and be grateful. See God in His creation and your life shall become meaningful.”
Part II. My Visions of the Coming Universal Judgment
Before I describe my vision of the coming Universal Judgment, I believe it necessary to remind the reader that these visions took place during my lethargic sleep of nine day duration. These visions were real for me. A powerful force inspired this sleep. When I awoke during the dream I realized that my companion was a citizen of Heaven.
By not pretending to force my convictions on anyone, I do believe deeply that what I have seen will come to pass. If my descriptions serve to awaken at least one soul who is in doubt, I will be infinitely happy to know that this book was not written in vain.

1. Signs of approaching Universal Judgment
My companion turned to me and advised me that the moment had come when I should see that which would undoubtedly happen within an undetermined number of years. After hearing his words I fell into a wonderful deep sleep. Although I was already in lethargic sleep, I slept even deeper. During this period my companion was again present. He said, “The day of judgment is coming. You are a living witness. Look again carefully; write everything down that will happen in the days of the Universal Judgment. The spirit of evil will take from the minds of mankind the last flicker of faith, and fill them with useless vanities and change their feelings into stony heartlessness. People without hope will be discontented and have no trust in one another. There will be no love and those who govern the world will perish. Lift up your eyes and see!”
I saw a big city in which a great battle took place. Men broke everything, destroyed everything, and with ferocious hatred killed one another. All at once a terrible howling broke the air, while a great earthquake shook the earth. There was a tumult amongst the people. The tempest continued with sinister precision. The sky was darkened and all noise mixed with the howling wind. The people looked at the leaden sky with foreboding silence, hearts full of fear at the terrible happenings, whilst the hurricane destroyed everything in the streets, hauling off its victims. The terrible hour had arrived causing fears in all hearts, whilst the sky became red as blood, full of lightning flashes.
Afterwards the red color disappeared. Then black clouds enveloped everything. An impenetrable darkness descended with the stars losing their light. All was mystery and terror. Everyone remained immobile: the wind stopped; the darkness and a silence were fearful. However, hardly one hour passed after this disturbance of nature when life on earth resumed in haste. The restaurants, theaters and all other places of amusement were filled with frivolous crowds. On the Stock Exchanges people were speculating feverishly and acquiring riches only to lose them an hour later. The most degraded vices were practiced in the most perverse places. The godless were everywhere. Victims of vain passions and occupations, people forgot their salvation. The din of noises was heard in the streets. The only silent and pious atmosphere reigned in the churches.
Suddenly a flash of lightning broke through the confusion and the whole sky was filled with a million flames – everything was alight. Every building was burning. The flames rose upwards and the whole world was an immense fire. The hurricane blasted men about like feathers. People looked in vain for help as the enormous mass of flame and wind snatched the children from their mother’s arms while the latter screamed in terror as their children were carried into the clouds. I saw Christ Himself take those children into Heaven as they rose to the heights and were not seen again. They were children of every race and color and all sang hymns of glory to God. Then Christ closed the gates of Heaven and a torrent of blood fell upon the earth. Rivers and seas were covered in foaming waves of blood that smashed all boats and ships. No one could be saved. Palaces and houses fell down in all parts of the world and from them could be heard cries for help. From the sea huge waves broke all dikes, bridges, and wharves. All the people were swept together by the hurricane and brought to one place from all the continents where God will descend from Heaven for the great Universal Judgment. However, the great cataclysm did not mix the people and their languages. All were gathered into separate groups and nationalities, each having its separate place.
2. The world immediately before the judgment
On the earth fell a great silence. Everyone was full of expectation of what was to come next. Those who had faith believed that the day of judgment had arrived. Amidst the darkness, which descended upon the whole earth, fires illumined the people as they gathered in groups in a vain attempt to discover what each person thought and whether or not they were the only ones on earth waiting in this manner.
Amidst the ruins of shops, there were thieves who pillaged the abandoned goods. Wine flowed like a river and fires flared around like a tempest. Those who had no fear of God continued in their lustful ways. Everywhere could be heard piercing cries, howling, obscenities, and lamentations. At the back of a ruined cathedral another drunken crowd sang licentious songs. Young charlatans, almost nude, swayed to their rhythm. Wickedness reigned everywhere. But gradually they realized their fate. All felt the approach of something mysterious amidst so much folly, and suddenly became sad. Only those who were pious and just in the eyes of God did not tremble with fear, but were filled with joy and relief. Then I heard the voice of my companion say, “Why are you so sad? I have been in Heaven all this time and everything there is disposed for the supreme moment of Christ’s Holy Decree. Now will you see the great mystery, but do not fear because this is just a vision and soon daylight will dispel the frightening and obscure night.”
Meanwhile orgies continued everywhere with yelling and howling of obscenities and swaying of bodies and all sorts of noises made with stolen instruments, inviting all to dance. All around were disputes, blasphemies, laughter and screaming. Few realized that this was their last hour. Suddenly, an Archangel from the Most High sounded the trumpet. “Come all you just and rejoice, your reward has arrived.” Then to the others, “but you sinners who have wasted your lives, know that the hour of judgment is here.”
A sharp quivering tightened their hearts from repentance and sorrow. But alas, it was too late. All eyes turned towards heaven. The Archangel was majestic, terrible, and frightening. The sound of his trumpet boomed forth, silencing all noise. The menacing Archangel then disappeared and the sky seemed suspended from the earth. A second Archangel appeared holding the Bible in his hand as he said, “It is accomplished.” Then a third Archangel appeared and, between the two, a transparent chalice filled with Precious Blood, the apex of the luminous Dawn, the Redeeming Blood of the Savior of humanity. Then all doubts disappeared as the veil was lifted. It was the great mystery of God’s providential love and redemption for mankind. From the resplendent Chalice three gleaming rays went forth in different directions. Only few knew what it meant.
The third Archangel with the Bible was on one side while the first Archangel with the trumpet and outstretched wings hovered above. Mysteriously, a beautiful soft melody floated into the hearts of men, announcing the coming of Christ. All stood trembling. Visages shining with sanctity appeared in the clouds. They were the Saints dressed in resplendent garments who had command of the pure sky. Sweet canticles of love resounded. Praises were sung to the Lord, so regal, gentle, and holy. Hearts were united in this spirit. On high appeared the holy symbol of the Cross, the instrument of salvation for the just, and eternal damnation for the rebels. Amidst the pitiful sighs of the damned, there were those who lowered their heads and awaited their judgment. The Angelic Choirs, as only they could sing, surrounded the brilliant Cross. What a beautiful sight! Thousands upon thousands of angels, rustling their wings, formed a great white halo and sang canticles.
At the sound of the trumpet, each heart beat forcibly in terror as the Cherubim chanted glories to the Most High, the God of all Creation. The celestial Choirs illuminated the heavens, and the immortal world descended upon humanity, to awaken little by little all hearts. Suddenly the singing ceased along with the rustle of wings; even the atmosphere became quiescent. Again, all were enveloped in terror. In the terrible silence, none dared to breathe. Then Christ Our Lord descended in glory from the heavens in splendor. He inflamed the hearts of all. Invocations in all languages came forth, and in one unique voice came forth new hymns from every lip. Christ our Lord shone resplendent as the sun rose high in the heavens and the hymns floated up to Him like waves. Then the good and worthy were swept up to meet Christ in the air. The risen dead will bear us company. (1 Thessalonians 4:17).
3. Resurrection of the Dead
Christ was surrounded by universal glory. People gazed upon his beautiful, tender countenance, comparing it with the many images they had known in the world. Their response was one of great love. His face was ineffably beautiful and His golden halo adorned the sky with His sacred presence. The souls of the dead entered the bodies of their burial and those without tombs regained the image of their former selves before death. The seas and oceans rendered forth their dead inhabitants. Christ greeted each resurrected being like the caress of the sun in spring which gives life and vigor to fields and gardens. How beautiful and wonderful of God to extend His open arms to the world! At the express will of God all humanity was restored to life from its centuries-long sleep. Looking upon Christ all wept silently with joy. The mountains, hills and dales were completely covered with the multitudes. When they beheld the grandiose spectacle, their lips opened as all joined with the celestial choirs in hymns of praise to the Supreme God of the universe. “Thanks and praise to the Redeemer for the salvation of mankind. Today Christ is with us.” Then followed another silence as Christ said, “I am with you today, as I had promised, although you were not expecting me.” As He cast a sweet and wonderful gaze upon the multitudes He stretched out His arms revealing the wounds of the nails in His hands. His voice descended upon all and He said, “I will conduct you in the name of pure love into the everlasting kingdom of heaven.”
The just then rose from the crowd, formed an immense white army and mounted towards Heaven. The sinners, choking with sobs, tears, and blasphemies, lowered their heads and knelt down before Christ. Their faces fell in anguish as they contemplated and awaited the Divine Will.
I looked all around, what a grandiose spectacle, the just side by side with the sinners. They were so numerous, such an immense multitude. They were of all ages and nationality, but no children. (Following their death, children were transferred to their proper destination.) The immense crowd stretched to and seemed to emerge from the horizon. Christ in glory stood luminous in the center. Those nearest Him in the inner circles looked radiant and happy. Above Him shone the Chalice emitting its treble rays. My companion explained “See all those gathered in the inter circles around our Lord, they have merited more by their deeds and virtues. There is no need of confession, since the all powerful and omniscient Holy Spirit has designated each to his proper place according to his merits. The purer and holier their lives on earth, the nearer they are to Christ. Know also that those who have attained their glory do not remember any of their past sins, just their love and contemplation of the Eternal God.”
The sinners were riveted to their places, envying those closest to Christ. They dared not lift their eyes towards Him whom they repulsed during their life on earth. Then Jesus said, “Open your eyes, you blind of heart and contemplate for the last time what you have lost for all eternity. Let this be imprinted in your memory forever. You will retain your eyes, voice and ears, whereas your bodies will assume the ugliest shapes and imperfections according to your wicked dispositions.” Their tears and cries were in vain. As I looked I saw a cloud cover them until Christ was no longer visible to them. I asked my companion, “How did all these diverse persons understand what our Lord said to them?” He replied, “Independent of their nationality or mother tongue they all understood. In the Kingdom of Heaven no one recalls his native language, but everyone understands one language.”
4. Christ announced the Judgment
When the multitude lost the vision of Christ, each person looked around at the person beside him and recognized old acquaintances. It was a marvelous kaleidoscope of diverse peoples from different regions of the world wearing garments and ornaments of earthly attire. The rich were wearing sumptuous robes. Present were kings, emperors, governors, soldiers, courtiers, ladies of rank, peasants, villagers, nuns, brothers, innumerable business people with beggars, ministers with their servants, priests, the sick covered with sores as well as the healthy. Those who were hunchbacked and the invalids were not singled for their deformity, but rather for their virtues. Then the crowds saw white clouds which revealed the apostles and the prophets.
From heaven came two saints wearing the garments at the time of their death. One was tall and gaunt with a bare torso, half covered with sheep skin. His long black hair, slightly gray, reached his shoulders. His flashing eyes and majestic bearing were most impressive. He held in his hand a long baton topped with a cross. The other was greatly venerated in the world for holiness and miracles. He was dressed in the vestments of an Archbishop and wore a mitre studded with precious stones; on his breast was a golden cross formed of diamonds. Just behind them appeared the King of Kings in an ocean of light. He was acclaimed by all with shouts of victory and assumed the place amidst the Saints.
The Savior turned towards the people and raised His illuminating hands in blessing and said, “Throw away that which you have accumulated on earth, it is nothing but dust. You have no need of them (Luke 12:28). Turn with joy to the new life where there is no discord and war. Live as brothers without hatred, meanness and sin. Henceforth you shall be happy, serene and gentle as the Angels. Death will be no more, nor neither sickness nor separation from those you love. You are always with your equals. Those of greater perfection will only be seen on great Feast Days. Henceforth there will be neither deformities nor sickness, the old will not be distinguishable from the young, because you will be of the same age as I was at my death, thirty three years. (Ephesians 4:13). And from this moment you shall be my inheritance, since you have chosen to love what I love.”
The Redeemer lifted up His arms and a dense cloud covered everything. The earth changed. Although no one had moved, the renewal of their faces and bodies was complete. They were filled with life and joy and smiles of felicitation. The sick and the elderly could barely recognize themselves. There were innumerable Saints, their bodies surrounded by a luminous aura of many colors. All were dressed in large flowing gowns, altogether different from those of the world. They seemed light and looked like translucent figures while their gaze was fixed upon the Savior. Meanwhile the Redeemer sent His angels to precede the Just, borne in large circles to Heaven. The sinners, meanwhile, remained on earth, staring in envy at the multitude rising towards Heaven.
5. Intercession by the Virgin Mary and the Saints
Suddenly a great thunder rumbled from afar, a phalanx of evil spirits as thick as a red fog approached. The sinners were filled with fear and began to run, not knowing where, calling for help and in so doing, knocking each other down. From the opposite direction an enormous serpent appeared covered with luminous scales, lifting thousands of frightening heads. It represented the tenebrous forces of evil formed by sins in the dark regions of Hell. Shouting, howling wicked demons pushed the sinners against the eyes of the serpent who pierced them with spikes from its eyes. Fuming fire came forth from its throat as well as a horrible odor. Hence the eternal torment for those sinners of the earth.
At that instant, descended from above the unexpected salvation, virgins, beautiful and white, surrounded the Holy Virgin singing harmoniously:
"Thou art amongst us, O amiable Virgin of spiritual beauty and love. Glory and praise. Blessed are thou.
Embracing thine Infant Divine, we implore thee listen to their distress. By thy flowing tears at the foot of the Cross, we implore thee abandon them not O Divine Protectoress."
Her features were an unspeakable spiritual beauty never before known in time. This apparition filled the sinners with hope.
Then She approached Her Divine Son. Looking at Him mournfully, she said in Her soft voice, “Tell me, O Lord, where are those of whom I begged pardon?” “They are here,” Christ replied. The Angels called their names and the sinners opened their lips. Dumbfounded, they stretched out their arms towards Her. “And to you, who loved and implored my Mother for My Forgiveness I grant you pardon.” Scarcely had He concluded these words when the absolved sinners ascended to Heaven, forming a circle around the beautiful Mother of Christ. Following Her gesture before Her Divine Son, they thanked Him. The face of the Holy Protectoress was luminous and joyful as they ascended to the heights.
The great Prophet of Christianity came forth and inclining his head towards the Redeemer prayed thus: “O Lord, You know how much I condemned sin and vice during my life on earth. Now on this day of Final Judgment I plead pardon, through Your bountiful mercy, for those who have offended Thee. These sinners, who fear Thy Divine Justice, have made petitions and prayers, have honored me on earth and seek Thy pardon and clemency now.”
The trembling Prophet turned to Christ, who replied, “They diverted My Commandments without restraint and conscious of their sins they have appealed to thee to ask for salvation; nevertheless, through prayers, those sinners are pardoned.” Following this proclamation there was heard exuberant shouts of joy as the pardoned sinners ascended to Heaven. Then the great Saint fell on his knees pleading pardon to the Savior for the sinners who had never known Him yet lived just and good lives. And Christ said, “Yes, it will be for those of whom you plead. Meanwhile, for those who detested evil and performed good works, these I do not blame for not having the knowledge of Baptism, yet are the same with me, even though they were separated from the Christians. To each and all of you I concede pardon.” Then a great number of non-Christian souls who had lived in justice and goodness entered Heaven through the intercession of the great Saint.
And again, the vault of Heaven lit up with the image of the Virgin Mary, who was richly adorned, yet bowed with a look of sadness and stillness. “For what do you request now?” inquired the Son of God. She responded, “I have come again to plead for the children of those mothers who wept tears for their own offspring.” Again, huge numbers of saddened faces turned to joy as they were pardoned through their mothers’ prayers and mounted to Heaven.
Meanwhile, a luminous galaxy of Saints, male and female, surrounded Our Lord with delicate and beautiful countenances, one after another interceding for the sinners who had prayed to them, entrusting their souls to them while on earth. Each petition was considered and a greater multitude with jubilation and lightness mounted to the Eternal Kingdom.
The first chosen Apostles came forward before Christ to ask pardon for those sinners who had invoked them while on earth. And Christ said, “I do not refuse this grace to my first chosen ones.” Turning towards the sinners who had courageously followed the ancient customs and were devoted to their intercessors He said, “I also pardon you who have accepted the true faith.” After these words the ancients who believed and accepted the new religion rose up with jubilation and followed the twelve Apostles towards Heaven.
There in the clear blue sky remained our Lord Jesus Christ, radiant in an infinite light. When His Holy Mother appeared, She wept as She beheld the remaining sinners. She then addressed Her Divine Son with trembling lips. “Thou who are the Almighty forgive them all. They know Thou art just, and this Day of Judgment would be more beautiful if it were completely joyful. Remember the day of Thy Resurrection. You pardoned even those in the deepest regions of Hell. Thou judges with tenderness, but can these wicked rebels remain side by side with the good and just in Paradise?” The Virgin was silent, only her countenance pleaded mercy. She remained exceedingly quiet, yet pleading. And Her Divine Son gave in to His venerable Mother and pardoned the less evil amongst the rebels. He rose with His Mother beside Him, followed by an immense spiral of jubilant souls like the suave perfume of incense rising from the altar.
Part III - Among The Stars
After the Last Judgment, the infernal spirits drove the remaining wicked sinners into Hell. The earth was left devastated. Formerly adorned in beauty, it was now in complete ruin. Not a sound, neither the singing of a bird nor even the sound of anything mechanical could be heard. The noise of factories, trains, automobiles and aircraft had ceased. Nowhere was there life of any kind, just dead silence. Then I saw millions of dead human beings, animals and birds, all piled one on top of the other, all decomposing and smelling so horribly. We could not remain any longer so we rose up and departed earth.
We entered a ruined castle that was once splendid. Now all that remained were broken statues and colonnades. Jewelry and money were scattered willy nilly. My companion said, “Up above, none of these are necessary except the beauty of one’s soul!”
At this point, I woke up. I still had the magnificent vision of a while ago, yet serene and calm was my companion. “Do you recall what you just dreamed of?” “Yes,” I answered with profound emotion. “Then I shall show you the marvels of space.”
It was a brilliant day. We rose slowly till the earth disappeared into a dark spot. Suddenly an unknown force took us and we whirled around rapidly. I became dizzy. In an estimably brief moment we were amongst the galaxy of stars. “Oh, Lord,” I murmured, “what a rapid flight.” And my companion answered, “It will be thus when from time to time we journey from one planet to another.”
The sun’s brilliance faded. All around us was a strange luminosity that permitted us to distinguish everything. We observed all the stars, not with human eyes, but with a spiritual vision. I observed that the stars were neatly grouped in the vaults of space instead of being scattered disorderly. I also noticed a fiery vapor around some stars which gave forth immense heat. Some of the stars had well defined movements, while others stayed immobile and bright.
While we flew among these splendid planets, my companion said, “Behold, the whole of the Universe! Without the Almighty, powerful Mind of God, none of this could exist. And man, after entering Heaven, will be able to visit the planets on feast days of joy.”
Part IV – Hell
According to some skeptics the suffering of hell will not be eternal. However, we recall Hebrews 1:8 “And what of the Son? Thy throne O Lord stands firm forever and ever. The scepter of thy kingship is a rod that rules true.” Again in Apocalypse 20:10: “Where like himself the beast and the false prophet will be tormented day and night eternally.”
Hell is horrible! The separation from God is frighteningly manifested as conscious, physical suffering. “The worm that eats them there never dies; the fire is never extinguished” (Mark 9:48). And in St. Matthew’s Gospel one reads: “While that kingdom’s own sons are cast into the darkness without, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” From St. Luke 16:26: “There is a great gulf fixed between us and you, no crossing over to us from yours.” St. Luke 16:19-23: There was a rich man once, who was clothed in purple and feasted sumptuously every day. There was a beggar called Lazarus, who lay at his gate covered in sores, wishing that he could be fed with the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table but none was ready to give them to him. The very dogs came and licked his sores. Time went on and the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to the bosom of Abraham. The rich man died too and found his grave in Hell.” Nowhere in the Gospels is it mentioned that after the resurrection of Christ a certain transformation will take place in Hell.
1. How demons torment sinners in Hell
In the distance was a silvery globe, but as we approached it the atmosphere became very cold. Sad and deserted was its surface. Nothing was growing. Everything, seas, rivers and lakes, were frozen. The highest structures were brilliant pyramids of ice. We perched on a high pinnacle and I inquired, “Doesn’t the snow and ice melt here?” “Never,” he answered, “it is the Will of God that everything here be eternal ice.” All around us was desolation. The sparkling brilliance hurt my eyes amidst that sad and nameless tragedy.
Then we left the cold, frozen planet and were transported towards another brilliant celestial body producing a strange and disturbing phenomenon. I felt hotter and hotter as we drew nearer until the heat became unbearable. Finally, we arrived and stood on the pinnacle of a mountain. It overlooked a broad and vast horizon. We could see volcanoes throwing out fierce fires in great quantities. Black smoke and flames issued from cracks which also emitted red-hot incandescent lava. From the center of the planet luminous liquid metal flowed down the sides into the valleys below. We were surrounded and immersed in obscurity. For some hours there was visible a disc-like heavenly body covered with a thick veil that gave forth a feeble light.
Following a brief period there was a long night. One could see little luminous jets with extraordinary terminence disappearing all of a sudden. I felt very sad and disappointed. I could not see vegetation of any kind except leafless dried shrubs of unusual shape spread here and there in the gorges and valleys. On the other side I saw muddy streams winding slowly, almost regrettably. From every vantage point all was obscure and desolate. It looked like a desert. Then my companion, stretching out his arm, pointed to a deeper ravine and said, “Look”. I turned my gaze to where he was pointing and I saw figures moving rapidly in the middle of the near impenetrable darkness. We descended towards the ravine until we reached a rocky point. “All these people are sinners,” said my companion. “Now you must be on your own among them – without me. If something should happen to you, do not pray even if you are frightened because you will be severely punished. Be wise and do not invoke God’s name because in this region prayers are not heard.” “Why, why never?” I said, “I can’t understand how prayers can be an obstacle.” My companion replied, “The obstacle consists in the grace of God which does not penetrate sinners. For instance, people on earth cannot talk to others from a distance without the aid of the telephone or radio. So, also prayer without grace of the Holy Spirit does not reach God.” Suddenly he disappeared.
I moved closer to see better what was going on. The sinners were dancing madly and savagely. Demons forced men and women to dance nonstop, driving them into an open space. Those who fell exhausted were kicked and thrown into a very muddy cesspool. I left the scene and descended lower down the plain.
Observing more closely, I noticed evil spirits dancing among them, mocking ceaselessly and yelling savagely. They impelled the poor souls at every turn shouting, “Be happy!” Completely helpless were the poor sinners before the hideous power of the demons. The sinners were tied together with thorny branches, kicked, punched and stoned. Then they were pushed down into molten lava while red-hot lava was being poured into their mouths already stretched to tearing point. While blinded by gravel thrown in their faces, they were whipped to make them go faster upon stones as sharp as razor blades, and other atrocities too horrible to describe. Then these malignant spirits jumped onto their backs, pulling and tearing their dirty matted hair which had not been washed for ages. If anyone tried to dislodge the demon that he carried, another replaced it which was worse than the first. Oh, what intolerable sufferings! Sometimes these horrible demons showed the sinners their parents and loved ones who were also suffering in Hell. They were shown their misdeeds on earth for which they were suffering in such a way as to cause the sinners who saw them to suffer more.
I left this dreadful desert amidst the sarcastic jeering of demons. I arrived in a valley full of stones where intermittently a strong tornado and whirlwind blew clouds of dust, lifting even the stones. The evil spirits were chasing a great multitude of sinners who barely looked human. They were extremely skinny, their arms dangled inertly. Their faces showed their inexplicable suffering. Tortured by thirst, they dragged themselves slowly in silence amidst the dust. All around was a horrible stench with black clouds of dust covering everything. Some sinners were fighting fiercely among themselves, although they knew the terrible punishment they would receive. They were already indifferent to all, knowing that in Hell there was no more hope whatsoever.
I was no longer able to bear the hot, scorching dusty wind so I worked my way down the valley. I reached a muddy pool where unearthly-looking beings splashed and paddled, thirstily lapping its thick fetid waters. I was horrified to see sinners continuously tortured by all kinds of furious and perverse demons. Fearing every step among sharp stones, I finally reached a rocky projection and sat down hoping to be rescued by my companion. Suddenly a mysterious uproar startled me. Cupping my ears I heard sorrowful sighs and lamentations. I turned towards it and there, at the bottom of a great chasm, were stretched out wearied sinners, their eyes fixed on the impenetrable darkness. They lamented, “Always nights of darkness. When will we ever see the light? Is it possible that there will never be any dawn?” They remembered the sun and springtime, and the wonderful times they had loafing in the sun without a care in the world. This roused the others to think likewise. However short the time allowed them to lament what had been, it actually lightened their eternal suffering. One detected from their conversation that the past was always with them, vividly present, but the malignant spirits never allowed them respite from their sufferings.
Quite suddenly, behind the high rocks a great red flame burst, preventing those who were near from having any rest. In Hell there is no peace. Such a horrible scene. I transported myself out into a dark plain. Wherever I walked I encountered evil spirits who watched everyone passing, whipping them ferociously. From time to time, colored tongues of fire illumined the sinister darkness.
Then I heard a plaintive and melancholy singing. Approaching it I saw gray and pallid faces on the other side of the rocks. Their skinny arms were pushing against an enormous rock weighing several tons. It was a useless task enforced upon them. Showers of burning cinders from the dark clouds of smoke continuously fell on their heads. I had a desire to leave this terrifying place of horror.
Next I heard a rumbling that came forth from beneath the earth. In front of me was a great inclining wall and I carefully stepped downwards. The strong smell of sulfur and the hot wind whipping up burning red cinders made breathing almost impossible. Here I saw other unfortunate sinners hurrying in search of a drop of water to cool their burning mouths. The infernal spirits drove them to run ever faster and if one fell he was mercilessly whipped till he got up and followed the rest. As I watched this pitiful scene, my companion appeared before me with his fascinating and marvelous voice, “Were you scared?” he asked. All I could answer was, “It is terrible.” Then he said, “We shall leave this place and visit the other planets!”
We started to mount rapidly. The atmosphere became hotter as we approached an incandescent star and alighted. It was very thick, hazy and indescribably suffocating on this sphere. Neither was it any better. The demons were pulling and tugging the sinners to more refined tortured merited by them. Chaos reigned everywhere and indescribably frightful-looking insects tormented the poor souls who tried to hide in the rocky caverns. As soon as they were out again they were whipped and chased to the fiery lake where they cried, “O death, where art thou? O friendly death art thou not known?” There is no death, but existence. Eternal joy for the good and pious but everlasting torment for the wicked.
2. Annual celebration of demons in commemoration of Satan’s revolt against God
Having seen all this, we descended into an enormous cavern with mighty rocks at the opening from which came forth the most frightful noises and a horrible stench emanating from the he-goats. There were a few leafless trees. Overhead flew unknown monsters making the panorama more sinister. “Satan is celebrating his annual feast tonight. Keep in mind what you see,” said my companion. I saw the caverns opened up slowly. From inside tongues of fire protruded. Demons dragged out some sinners from within. They were the most violent sinners on earth. Satan commanded only certain sinners to participate while others had to wait for centuries for admission. This festival is celebrated once a year to commemorate the time when Satan, formerly a good Archangel, had the temerity to contradict and revolt against God. It is a way of distracting him from the tortures of his somber infernal kingdom. But nothing will subdue his pride as he recalls the loss of his eternal bliss of Heaven.
A beautiful woman, with her arms extended in front of her and hair in flames, was thrown out by an unknown force from one of the caverns. Her dark blue eyes, like sapphires, shone with inhuman wickedness. Her burning red hair was piled on top of her head in the shape of an egg. She slithered like a snake and with her head on one side, hid herself behind a rock. From the flames came another woman. She stepped forth, her hair was jet black and her eyes like burning coals. Majestically and slowly she came towards the first woman, putting her hand on her head. The first woman was crouched near the rock and was shaking with sobs and remained there.
From another burning cavern emerged a bearded old man with a hunched back, white hair, and shaggy eyebrows. He walked slowly towards the two women. I was surprised that the evil spirits stayed away from him. He lifted his head with a strong will and looked around, his eyes expressing an intelligence far above the normal. He inclined his head in silence, his white beard covering his whole chest.
Later, a circle of demons, all furious with clenched fists came forth, punching the back of another elderly man. He was short, fat, bald-headed and quite robust. Evil spirits whipped and kicked him furiously, shouting at him, “You who did not believe in anything, you who thought that life on earth was the only one, you who ruined your country and tortured and killed whoever you wanted not considering the fact that you would have to render an account of it. Now you see it was not so. Satan himself will invent for you the most atrocious suffering. Now we will take you to his presence.” Then he was forced into a large cavern from whence came loud cries and much noise. I fixed my gaze at this entrance, as did also the sinners. Another came to join them and stood beside the bald-headed one. He was taller than normal with a long thin face and a very fine nose. His cheeks were drooping. Out of the noisy cavern proceeded a multitude of unearthly and horrible-looking creatures. They writhed and tumbled in contortions, driven by kicks and punches. The old man raised his head and shuddered, whereas the other two old men disdainfully turned their backs.
At this point I heard a faint noise, becoming louder and louder like the flapping of wings. A great flock of winged demons flew towards the sinners like an entangled knot. All were transported in the air for a while, then precipitated into the gaping cavern until all around us became a desert.
We walked for some time. Suddenly a high column of fire confronted us. I thought this illumination would afford some peace, forgetting there is no peace and tranquility in Hell. We saw a chasm emitting sulfurous clouds of red and black smoke. Hardly discernible shadows jumped here and there as the demons provoked them. “Now you shall have to be alone again,” said my companion. “Be courageous, but if anything unpredictable should happen to you, I shall be on hand.” With these words he disappeared.
3. Satan announced special torments for some great sinners
I observed sinners burning continually in flames yet not being destroyed by it. The fire in Hell burns and tortures without killing. From the distance, I heard a mountaineer choir chanting. From below there appeared before me a hole with a rocky descent that was very deep and dark. At the bottom I saw gleaming lights. As I descended the singing became louder. It heard many voices but all were out of tune. The fire burned brighter and more intense. After an interminable descent I arrived at a deserted plain with fantastic rock formations. All around it were silhouettes. Humanly, one cannot conceive it. A the foot of these mountains were thorny brambles like tentacles. At the left was a tuft of black moss, which seemed to move and sway as though it was breathing. Then, not too far away, a crack appeared showing some light. I went to investigate and discovered another mysterious descent, almost interminable. As I descended, the steps seemed to broaden onto a wide street at the end of which was a door. Here the singing was louder, interrupted periodically by deafening shouts. I walked quickly towards the light. I arrived in what seemed like an immense hall with hundreds of doors. In the center was a great arena, like a circus. In the center of that was a magnificent throne, but very dark and somber, with a black cupola and what seemed like metallic plates on the ceiling. Around the throne, jogging noisily, were indescribably ugly, inhuman, diabolic creatures. All around was a great amphitheater for the immense gathering of sinners who could look onto the throne of the arena. There were also great columns of light illuminating the sinister surroundings.
At the left of the black throne, half-leaning at its foot was a very beautiful woman with gleaming copper red hair. She was delicate. Her beauty resembled a statue created by a very able artist. At the right of the throne was another woman with black eyes and proud bearing, her dark hair harmonizing with the black throne; her eyes seemed to throw out flames of hate and wickedness in her disdain at the thousands of eyes upon her. She did not resemble a statue but an effigy of a woman of royal blood created by an immortal artist. I recognized the woman whom I saw pulled out of the caverns for Satan’s festival.
The front of the amphitheater was crowded with sinners, not ordinary sinners, but those who had sullied their existence with the most infamous of sins. There was no distinction among their ranks because their sins made them equal. I also saw the repugnant bald-headed man and his disciple, who was a real human beast. Then there was the old, white-haired, bearded one who looked exceedingly sad. He made me recall the words of the Gospel, “Beware of those who scandalize the little ones, it were better that a millstone be hung around their necks and be thrown into the sea.”
Suddenly there was a great earth tremor, followed by lightning and thunder that made the columns of light more brilliant. Amidst the lamentations, groans, clapping of the demons, and their blood-thirsty cries, there suddenly appeared Satan, who acknowledged the cries with a malicious smile.
Before the throne, amidst the rows and rows of sinners were those who had sinned grievously, famous and great scholars who now had no distinction in Hell. They were trembling like the others. As all eyes fixed on Satan, Satan ceased to smile. I wondered if he looked human: he did but in a completely different and mysterious way. His whole countenance exuded self-reliance and strength, but his face was not in any way contented. He was like a gigantic bronze statue. He had a crooked nose, which protruded between two big, bright black eyes, eyes that emitted fire under his thin and obliquely arched eyebrows. Severe and roguish, he sat silently on his throne topped by a red five-pointed star. He sat immobile with his huge wings spread out like black velvet. They looked menacing behind his back. His beautiful eyelids were lowered, hiding his eyes, but his classical profile evoked his tormented thoughts.
On this anniversary day that recalled the time thousands of years ago when God punished him by casting him out of Heaven, Satan’s expression was one of torment. He recalled himself as a good Archangel and a deep frown crossed his forehead, permanent in nature, while his wings drooped slowly until they folded behind him like a wet flag after a thunderstorm. Then Satan lifted his eyelids. I saw his menacing look, brimming with oceans of wickedness and hate as he fixed his eyes on the multitude of spectators. What a gaze! What perverse hatred! He then stood, gigantic in height, full of the absolute hate and treachery of his mysterious essence of sinfulness and wickedness. From all quarters reigned the silence of the tomb. Satan then started his speech, which reached every corner of the great hall.
“I have come to announce greater torments” he said, hatred gushing from his booming voice that deafened every ear. “I shall make you suffer so much that what has passed will seem nothing; every year will be more severe and eternal.” Again, his great rumbling black wings spread out. How immensely terrifying was the great Satan! All the demons who heard him laughed and jeered as they promised more severe pains and tortures. The poor sinners, upon hearing this delivery, cowered in trembling fright and lamentation. The flames became like torrents of blood. Even the five-pronged star became red like everything else.
Satan sat down again and I saw a multitude of evil spirits precipitating towards the beautiful woman with the black hair. This caused her to rise, which she did with the ferocity of a wounded animal. Her eyes were full of hate as she walked gracefully, hips swaying, breasts exposed. But her expression suddenly changed as she passed in front of Satan’s throne. Satan laughed in mockery and contempt, saying to her, “On earth you tempted and subdued men with your voice, your looks and your enchantment. You gave them all the joys they sought in you in exchange for gold jewelry and even power. You sang to them as no other woman could and you gave them much pleasure. You squandered gold and riches without a thought and you boasted of your ephemeral beauty and glory while living in splendid palaces. You conquered those whom you set your heart on, and killed those whom you had grown tired of without mercy.”
With a gesture of his huge hands, Satan called the most disgusting of his demons saying, “Take her, caress her as much as you want.” And to the woman, he said, “Go with him, I have no need of you, but I would like the feeling of your loving kiss once more. For this kiss – here are my feet.” Satan laughed with venomous hate. “Never,” she retorted. Even in her angry attitude she was beautiful. “Never?” replied Satan, livid with rage. “Don’t you know that my will overcomes the greatest pride?” Following these words the evil spirits carried her and threw her down at Satan’s burning feet, forcing her to kiss them. She was burnt black by the insupportable heat as her rebellious eyes gazed hatefully at Satan.
Meanwhile other demons around the throne pinched the two old sinners of such bad repute. They forced them on their knees before Satan’s feet. Looking at them with frightful viciousness, Satan said: “Do you see the great gathering of sinners around my throne? Before us your criminal life will be re-enacted, giving me pleasure on this my feast day.” Satan gesticulated and all was darkness. Then a screen appeared. I saw a great battle going on. One heard the explosion of bombs, the whistling of projectiles and the spattering of machine guns. Generals and officers were leading their troops in battle with determined courage. There was the bald sinner. Satan boomed forth, “Now you shall all see the numberless misdeeds he committed.” The scene changed suddenly but the noise of the battle could still be heard. It became an open space in front of a palace built of red bricks in the center of which was the statue of an angel on the top of a slender column. The whole square was filled with people assaulting the palace. Again the scene changed, showing the inside of the palace which was splendid and serene. The rioters broke into the palace. Young girls dressed in armor and carrying pistols guarded one of the doors. They fought with splendid courage defending their sovereign within. Ferocious men in marine and army uniforms, wearing red bands and belts to denote their rank, broke into the palace. Shouting horrible blasphemies, they snatched the rifles from the delicate hands of the brave young heroic guards, violating them mortally. Amidst the orgy they screamed, “Long live liberty, long live our chief.”
On seeing all this horror and hearing the blood curdling cries, the bald-headed sinner wept lamentably at Satan’s feet. Then darkness descended onto the screen and the scene changed, showing a group of prisoners amongst whom was a distinguished looking woman of nobility, followed by young girls in front of a man seated on a chair with a young lad of about 14 years on his lap. He wore a military outfit and high leather boots. His soft kindly, dreamy look reminded me of someone I have seen him before. I looked carefully and recognized him as my Emperor. Then this scene disappeared from view.
Next on the screen was a very poor woman, thin as a skeleton, standing in a cottage with matted hair and madness in her eyes. She was searching here and there with her trembling hands for something when suddenly a baby cried in its cradle. The woman picked the child up with a savage laugh. Still laughing, she strangled it then threw the dead body into a boiling pot on the fire. This horrible scene terrified me, but I realized that she was a cannibal as famine struck Russia.
The horrible scene was followed by another that reminded me of what I had seen in Hell a little earlier. Young and old coal miners, with infinitely sad eyes, were driven to inhuman hard labor, forced upon them by bestial guards cracking whips. Again I realized that these were the best officers and captains of the Russian Army who were being severely punished for their patriotic love for their country. This scene also disappeared.
Satan, all the while, was sitting on his throne. The bald-headed sinner trembled with terror, murmuring feeble and incomprehensible nonsense. “Did you see what you did during your life on earth?” said Satan. The sinner replied in a low voice, “I did.” Satan cried out furiously, “Punch him and keep him close to me and find out his accomplices”. Whereupon the demons lifted him bodily and threw him at Satan’s feet, who immediately jumped and stamped on him.
Then he turned to the thin old man who now had his eyes closed, devoid of the temerity to sob or cry. Satan called to him, “Lift your head and look. I’ll show you a scene to remind you of your deeds.” Then he projected a long winding road, which seemed endless. Along this road came the shadowy figures of thousands of men, women, and children from all walks of life, including bishops, priests, nuns, generals, professors and young officers. All were walking very slowly together with workers, soldiers, and peasants. Some had ropes around their necks. These martyrs walked in silence towards an unknown destination. Suddenly, an extraordinary thing happened: all those sad-looking figures underwent a change from the weightiness of death into light ephemeral spirits, each holding a lighted candle. A curious blue light enveloped them as their faces lit up with happiness and their bodies became luminous. The entire road was covered with extraordinarily beautiful flowers along which these tens of thousands of souls, their arms outstretched before them, beckoned to the celestial lights above them. The scene disappeared and Satan shouted, “All this was done by your own hands, the tortures and sufferings you inflicted were the means by which they went to Heaven. Had you not killed them, many would have entered my kingdom. For this I shall mete out to you my vengeance.” From the throne a repugnant monster with numberless tentacles seized, like a huge merciless spider pounding on a helpless little child, the bald-headed sinner and his thin accomplice until all disappeared from sight.
The other sinners awaited their sentences with secret fear and trembling. The horrific noise of the departure of the monster ceased and the beautiful woman with the burnished copper-colored hair spontaneously stood before the throne of Satan. Throwing back her hair, she looked at him with an ardent plea. Satan, full of wicked irony looked at her and said, “I know your past. You were a famous whore whose beauty and intelligence attracted young and old without distinction. You were rich in your palace where roamed the most distinguished aristocracy of your epoch. You believed and only lived for material affluence and comfort. Your sole occupation was seducing men with your wickedness, destroying their lives and subjugating them as your slaves. This was your only preoccupation. You were sly as a snake. Your debauchery, waywardness and destruction of many lives were your greatest pleasure. But alas, now for your sins you shall crawl on your belly like a snake. Demons will forever torment you; never will you be able to revolt or complain.” “Be merciful to me,” she cried with outstretched arms as she prostrated herself before Satan, who only laughed with mockery. He ordered a multitude of demons to drag her away, delighting in the suffering they gave her.
4. Satan described how he would send the AntiChrist
During this time the old man with the white beard was on his own; but suddenly he heard cries of lamentation coming from those whom he had seduced by his false doctrines. His looks darkened, the furrows between his eyes deepened as he thought deeply of his most serious crimes. Now, as he despaired of all those whom he had lured away from the path of truth, goodness and the love of God, his suffering became indescribable. Satan fixed his gaze upon him. The old man lifted his head with some courage and temerity. Looking straight at Satan and moving himself some steps toward his throne, he addressed Satan thus, “Is this really the way you exist?” Satan answered with an ironic sneer, “Yes”. The old man continued, “Why are you always in these eternal flames from century to century, vainly hostile to all the universe and cruelly tormenting those who have served you with diabolical wickedness?” Everyone was silent, not knowing what to expect next. The old man continued, “Why don’t you repent, do the right thing, stop your wickedness and become good again?” Fixing his dismal gaze at a distance, Satan answered, “Because I have been cursed.” During a slight pause, Satan meditated. The old man continued, “Now I believe not only in your existence, but also that you have been cursed. For you, all the stars are darkened. There is no sun in your sky. You have defamed the earth by tempting its inhabitants to sin. What do you want to do in the future? Continue to destroy or create something better and more respectable?”
Satan’s look brightened with sinister hate. Murmuring with a menacing voice, he said: “I will send down to earth the AntiChrist, and forever more I shall fight against Him who cursed me!” “AntiChrist?” exclaimed the old man in surprise. “Yes, the AntiChrist,” answered Satan. Illumined with determined hatred, he continued: “At a time and at a certain place I have already designated, there shall live a whore who shall beget a daughter more perverse than herself. In turn, she will beget another whore and so on for several consecutive generations. At the final generation there shall be born a woman most mortally perverse. From this one shall come forth he who will be the perdition of the whole human race. He will be the AntiChrist. No one will know his father because he will be conceived in an unearthly drunkenness. At his birth I shall be with him. His mother will notice many unusual and incomprehensible signs during her pregnancy but I shall silence her. He will be a man of extraordinary intelligence and of great culture. When he attains adulthood, he will acquire an avid and unbridled charisma and will be supported by people of his choice. I shall endow him with immense richness and by this means he will be great and powerful. During a Great War which shall involve every nation in the world, AntiChrist will be a simple officer. Due to his capacity for courage and bravery he will in a short time lead a brilliant career and attain the highest post. He will go from victory to victory and shall win limitless popularity and shall win the sympathy and confidence of the entire world. No weapon shall ever hurt him. All armies under his orders shall be victorious. I shall give him power over water, fire and all natural elements. He will destroy all those against him and put them under his subjection. He shall dethrone monarchs, dictatorships, and presidents and shall subjugate whoever is against him. He shall reign over the world as its lord and sovereign.” (St. John 5:43: “But I came in My Father’s name and no one received me, but if another comes in his own name you will receive him.”)
“I shall give him the power to work miracles in such a way as to make everyone believe that he is Christ himself.” (2 Thessalonians 2:9-10: “He will come, when he comes, with all Satan’s influence to aid him, there will be no lack of power, of counterfeit signs and wonders, and his wickedness will deceive the souls that are doomed, to punish them for refusing that fellowship in the truth which would have saved them. That is why God is letting loose among them a deceiving influence, so that they give credit to falsehood. He will single out for judgment all those who refused credence to the truth, and took their pleasure in wrongdoing.”)
“Although they cannot understand his works, no one will dare criticize him, and so by his deeds I will confuse the whole human race by introducing new concepts and new philosophies that will contradict the True Faith. We shall destroy all the laws of morality with mockery, sacrilege and blasphemies. We shall cause extreme changes through new and advanced ideas, which will draw men and women to eagerly search for the most refined depravity. We shall acquire riches in all wickedness. During the reign of the AntiChrist my faithful servants will not even think that all this is caused by demons, who will tempt humanity so that men will lose their ability to control their instincts. For this reason wickedness will reign. We have to work very hard now because each prayer addressed to Jesus Christ would save a soul. But our demons shall attack with great effort and, advancing fearlessly, create an absurd and brutal life. We shall control all people, compelling them to destroy everything, especially the temples and the churches. We shall extinguish all light in honor of the Almighty.”
“How I detest those who pray in churches. I loathe the Masses and the liturgical chants. During my reign as AntiChrist there will only be wickedness and suffering in such a way as the world had never seen since its existence. Then suffering desperately, mad and without hope, they will murmur and blame God for all these happenings. This will be the culmination of my desires. This will be my reign of eternal hatred and wickedness.” So glowered Satan as he thundered in fury.
The old man frowned deeply as his eyes shone with a strange light. “Never, never will you understand!” he said to Satan with an impulsive and impetuous voice. “Never will evil triumph over the Light. Wickedness will never win over goodness. I was fooled during the course of my life, but now I believe with all my heart and soul that Jesus Christ will conquer and shall crush you who is the son of these tenebrous regions.”
Hearing these words Satan stood up and shouted furiously: “For your temerity, fearlessness and insulting words in my presence and kingdom, you shall suffer the most horrific tortures that was ever in Hell. But know that my evil laws are as exacting as the laws of God. What I have said will come to pass just as I predicted.” Then, with a sweeping gesture of his hand towards the great hall, he said: “Look how many sinners are here gathered now. After the arrival of the AntiChrist their numbers will be multiplied by the millions. I have already invented new tortures suitable for each sinner.”
At this moment a dark figure appeared near the old man. Satan sat down. “I shall not torture you physically at this moment, but I shall send you back to earth with a companion who will take you to all my reunions. You will listen to their sacrilegious blasphemies and their errors which you have inspired yourself and only now have repented. You shall try to argue and convince them of the errors you sowed amongst them and try as you will to do your utmost to turn them on to the right path, your voice will not be heard, nor will you have any results. This will cause you the greatest remorse. You shall go on for a long time and when you have completely failed, I shall send you to a planet all covered with an eternal sea, in the center of which is one high solid rock from under which you will see the sinners, my faithful servants, your adepts. There you shall watch them continuously fill my kingdom by the droves, thanks to your errors.” He extended his hand majestically as he shouted to the old man, “Go!”
The old man, trailed by his dark shadow, turned towards the exit with dignified, slow steps as all in that infernal hall fixed their eyes upon him. Barely had he disappeared when a small and agile demon climbed the throne of Satan and whispered in his ear. Then Satan said, “Proceed.” Instantly the demon tumbled into the sand of the arena towards the group of sinners before the throne and, in one gesture, called the other demons as they pushed the sinners into the center with shouts and shrieks. Then innumerable flames interlacing with each other shot out of the earth in all directions. Thousands of colored bright globes flew into the air. It was all so brightly illuminated and beautiful to the eyes. The rest of the spectator sinners and demons let out a deafening shout and shrill whistle as a corps de ballet of ballerinas by the thousands entered the arena. All were identically dressed in very short skirts, their backs naked and adorned with garlands of thorns that caused them excruciating pain at every movement.
Sadly they encircled Satan’s throne and solemnly performed a meticulously learned ancient dance. It was impossible for me to understand the significance of their complicated steps. On earth they were ballerinas who only lived for the pleasures of life, forgetting that there was a spiritual and eternal life where one renders an account of one’s sins. Then came hundreds of ballerinas of a higher category. They were the very best ballerinas that the world had produced. They were in Hell because they had lived in greater license. They were from all nations. They wore such sad looks, which showed in their eyes. The folds round their mouths hid a profound bitterness that revealed more than words the sufferings they were enduring. However, they had not forgotten their art. They danced to the accompaniment of the infernal din, floating lightly and graciously like ethereal apparitions, barely touching the floor with their pointed toes. Some, recalling their past successes, haughtily held their heads high; others, on the contrary, wept tears as they remembered the good times that were no more. From time to time they formed picturesque stances before the throne of their tenebrous sovereign who watched with a wicked sneer. All the other demons present joined in this attitude.
Weaker ballerinas fell exhausted in the middle of the dance. Immediately, ferocious demons fell upon them, slapping their disfigured faces. The fallen ballerinas knelt, supplicating for pity, but in vain. Satan had no pity on them and continued to glare and sneer. His demons drove them out impetuously from his sight. They limped away, weeping.
Satan shouted loudly, “I have no joy, I feel sad!” Then he stood up flapping his enormous wings and glaring at all around him with sinister frenzy. He frowned deeply. Insects buzzed around to distract and amuse him. Then these insects were replaced by a beautiful choir. But Satan was immersed in sad thought and did not pay any attention to the singing. His gaze was absorbed in the distance. Then the choir rose, hoping to be applauded by the terrible Satan, but instead darts of fire pierced their chests. Then came more ballerinas. Magicians, clowns and acrobats gave their best comical and prodigious performance. One little clown with red fuzzy hair drew my attention. He executed intricate acts, tumbling with his contorted face that caused laughter. Yet I could see his tragic inner suffering. I felt such pity for him as he was ushered out with the rest by a grayish demon.
There was no joy to be had; only terror reigned with the chanting and dancing. Amidst sobs and lamentations, everything turned fearsome and violent. This strange spectacle was mixed with terrible sufferings. Suddenly strange transparent creatures, like cobwebs with luminous green eyes, darted here and there to bite the sinners, inflicting upon them unbearable pain. The hall was filled with their cries and suffering. It was not sufficient for Satan who desired more. With an imperial gesture of his hand he commanded the demons with the flames of his eyes. At once they jumped into the midst of the sinners, punching them into a frivolous and mad dance. The fiery globes then descended amongst the multitude of mad dancers and fell on their bodies like red hot metal, sizzling them. From the earth growling flames emitted to envelop the sinners, like serpents twirling around their bodies in belts of fire. I was literally deafened by the noise. Then, from an invisible crack in the great hall sulfurous clouds of smoke filled the great hall like a thick fog. The lights went out and I heard a rustling which made me tremble. It was Satan who had spread out his wings, so gigantic, and flew over the top of all the sinners and demons in the green thick fog. He flew haughtily while muttering and triumphantly laughing, but I could not hear what it was he was saying.
Finally, the thick fog lifted and I could see clearly what happened next. The sinners, goaded by extreme torture, turned on the demons and there ensued a terrible battle, but the unpitiable demons won. Again the sinners were chained and bound while the demons rejoiced and avenged themselves mercilessly on their captives.
This is how Satan celebrates his annual feast. My sight was dimmed as I heard a terrible rumble in my head. Then a whirlwind blew me out of the cavern.
5. What does Purgatory look like?
Not knowing how, I found myself in the middle of a plain with no trees, but here and there were scattered some strange looking shrubs and stones of different sizes. The sky was also overcast like the surroundings. As far as the horizon there were neither hills nor rivers nor were there any birds, animals or insects; just a lot of people: some strolled, some sat but all looked apathetic with a secret sense of longing for a slow death. I recognized in all of them a particular courage, a different melancholy and a strange sighing for something unattainable. This nostalgia was for God. All about them was a deadly silence. The atmosphere was very hot, yet easier to breathe than it was in Hell. From time to time, a gust of fresh air descended from the sky.
Suddenly, I saw a pale light shine from above. It dawned on me that this light was from God. It illumined everyone. Oh what infinite joy and love lit up the countenance of every anguished and oppressed soul on this planet as they contemplated the light with great hope. I understood that this ray of light was the prayer offered for the departed souls. I remember my companion telling me of it in the beginning when we flew over the Cathedral during the elevation of the Canon of the Mass. Wherever a Mass was being celebrated the faithful on earth prayed for their dear departed. This blessed ray of light did not last long. Nevertheless, even during that brief moment the poor suffering souls benefited from hope. Then it was all dark again. The poor souls lowered their heads and all around them strange tongues of fire sprung up from the ground.
I looked around me and then my companion appeared beside me. He was serene, gentle and affable as I usually see him. Impulsively, I dropped down on my knees, trembling with inexplicable joy. I exclaimed, “If you only knew the anguish and fright that I endured without you!” And he said, “Yes, I know all, but do not talk now. Be quiet and have faith in me, your protector. I have been near you all the time. Keep in mind all that you have witnessed. It must come to pass. It is sometimes necessary that you be alone to impress you more profoundly.
“We are now far from Hell. The horrible spectacles will no longer terrorize you.” “And now,” I replied, “may I give glory to God?” “Yes, you may,” he replied. “Oh what anguish I felt when I was down in Hell. How can I not want to believe what I actually saw?” He said, “What you saw is a frightening reality.”
Then appeared before me the Saint whom I saw at the Last Judgment wearing the brilliantly adorned mitre. He was dressed differently and his face beamed with goodness and mercy. He was bending towards a woman who was deeply absorbed in sad thoughts. In a gentle caressing voice he said, “Courage, my child, I have come to help you. Did you not hear during the ray of light, which descended upon you the prayer addressed to me in your favor? You know who prayed for you. Consequently, the Lord has permitted me to deliver you. Come follow me to your splendid dwelling in Paradise.” The eyes of the sinner brightened with gratitude. With a last tear trembling on her cheeks, she knelt before him and blessed herself with the sign of the Cross and said, “How merciful is God’s goodness to pardon me, a most miserable sinner.” The Saint blessed her saying, “God’s mercy is limitless.” He began to rise and the pardoned sinner rose with him, like a small cloud that disappears after a burst of rain. Then I saw golden ray of prayers and a man kneeling with his ear cupped to the ground as he heard his friends praying for him.
Then we were transported to the other hemisphere of this planet. There we saw a translucent sea of fire. This fire was so strange that it could not be compared to any fire that we knew on earth. It greatly impressed me. I saw entire rows of evil spirits flying in the air with the souls of sinners dangling perpendicularly from their claws. Some of them fell from their clutches on to the ground without knowing the reason. The demons returned searching for them but, not finding them, went away seeking other victims. I asked my companion what this meant. He replied, “Some of these souls who are left on the surface of this planet are those who are not wicked enough for Hell but not good enough for Heaven. The demons arrive here directly from earth on their way to Hell. They carry the souls of the sinners, hardly dead, and so some escape Hell and are left here on this planet.” I was surprised that these souls neither realized nor saw the evil spirits flying over their planet. I did not hear heartrending lamentations or cries since they did not suffer very much from the fire. One could only hear sighs, longing and sorrow for their past sins in the hope of God’s mercy.
We continued to fly over the enigmatic planet, half of which was enveloped in a transparent fire, the other dominated by sorrow. The stone gray and arid desert gave one a deathly disgust at ever wanting to remain here. Then in the midst of serene and solemn singing, I saw the Holy Virgin Mary coming, so pure and bright, with a smile of celestial beauty, surrounded by Archangels holding light precious veils whose brilliant light purified all the souls. A sinner who was delivered through Her intercession appeared in front of Her. She said to him, “Your soul has been purified by the tears of your mother. I have come to conduct you to paradise where God reigns in all Majesty.”
My soul began to vibrate forcefully as I approached Her. I dropped on my knees and, forgetting all fear and sorrow, I murmured in ecstasy, “O Holy Mother, take me with you.” She consented. I understood Her words as she said to me, “Be calm, and sleep. You shall awake in the infinite reign of eternal glory.” I slept at Her feet, dreaming that the angels bore my soul from this sad place to the Celestial Kingdom with chants and hymns.
Part V. The Resplendent Paradise
Matthew 23:13. “Woe upon you scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites that shut the door of the kingdom of Heaven in men’s faces; you will neither enter yourselves, nor let others enter when they would.”
Many people say that after death there is nothing, neither spirit, body, hands, eyes, mouth, etc. If this be so, then darkness and obscurity is in our midst. But I found nothing of the sort in Holy Scripture. So I shout out, “away with error!” I reopened the New Testament and there before me in Luke 20:34. “And Jesus answered them saying, “Men of this earth marry but those who have merited eternal life after the resurrection will neither take wife nor husband. They will be mortals no longer but will be like the angels in Heaven.” “Like angels,” Christ said. Angels as we know them have bodies and faces and have been seen by men with their corporal eyes and have been heard to speak. I quote a few instances from the New Testament. St. Luke 1:11-19 which says: “Suddenly he saw an angel of the Lord standing at the right of the altar where incense was burnt. Zachary was bewildered at the sight and overcome with fear, but the angel said: ‘Zachary, do not be afraid, thy prayer has been heard, and thy wife Elizabeth is to bear thee a son to whom thou shalt give the name of John. By what sign am I to be assured of this? I am an old man now and my wife is far advanced in age.’ The angel answered, ‘My name is Gabriel, and my place is in God’s presence; I have been sent to speak to thee and to bring thee this good news.’ In the same chapter (v.28) “Into her presence an angel came and said, ‘Hail thou who art full of grace. The Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women.’ And the same angel Gabriel announced to the shepherds guarding their sheep in St. Luke 2:9-12. ‘And all at once the angel of the Lord came and stood by them and the glory of the Lord shone about them and they were overcome with fear. But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid, behold I bring you good news of a great rejoicing for all the people. This day in the City of David a Savior has been born for you, the Lord Christ Himself. This is the sign by which you are to know him. You will find a child lying in a manger in swaddling clothes.”
Then in Matthew 28:2: “And suddenly there was a great trembling of the earth. An angel of the Lord came to the place descending from Heaven and rolled away the stone and sat upon it. His face shone like lightning and his garments were white as snow so that the guards trembled with fear of him and were like dead men. But then the angel said openly to the women: ‘You need not be afraid. I know well that you have come to look for Jesus of Nazareth, the man who was crucified. He is not here. He is risen as he told you. Come and see the place where the Lord was buried. You must go in haste and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead and now he is going before you into Galilee where you shall have sight of Him.”
The form, shape and silhouettes of Angels were seen and known. Also the form and shape of men who have died and gone into eternity can also be confirmed by two great prophets, Moses and Elias. They appeared with Jesus Christ on Mt. Tabor and spoke with him of his approaching death in Jerusalem (Luke 9:31).
“In the Kingdom of My Father there are many mansions” (John 14:2). And to the repentant thief crucified with Him He said, “Verily I say to thee, this day you shall be in Paradise with me.” (Luke 23:43). Then in the Sermon on the Mount He said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs” (Matthew 5:3). Again, our Lord, speaking of the soul said thus, “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and suffer the loss of his soul?” (Mark 8:36-37); again in St. Paul’s letters to the Corinthians 5:35-36 and 15:47-49. Dear readers, can you still believe that the soul does not exist after all the testimony in Holy Scripture?
1. Planets of the souls of other religions
A voice from somewhere said to me: “Wake up. Stand up, Fanny, and carefully write all that you see. No one knows except the Lord the fate of each man. But the time has arrived to awaken all hearts who are wallowing in the cesspool of sin. You have been designated and chosen to see that all that has been revealed to you was not a deep dream. To you the veil has been lifted to show you the eternal mysteries.” Then I murmured, “At times I may not remember all,” and the voice said, “I will help you in every way.”
I awoke and opened my eyes and beheld a beautiful blue sky, which was inexplicably vast. The time I spent in Hell dimmed my vision with its dark and tenebrous sights. Here the bright rays illumined all. I turned around thinking aloud, “How beautiful. What perfumed air. What a garden.” What lovely multi-colored habits the souls wore as they walked. Angels floated in the pure sky, appearing and disappearing at will. The grass all around was fine green, deliciously fresh, denoting eternal spring. The flowers, sweet-smelling and uncrushable, grew along delightful little paths.
"Where am I? Is this the glorious Kingdom of Heaven? Is this the Kingdom of the Angelic Choirs of infinitesimal Saints, Cherubim and Seraphim inclining towards the Royal Throne?"
Here is the realization of all my hopes. Beautiful roses in immense quantities formed carpets to walk on. Garlands of them were suspended all around me. My arms brushed their delicate and sweet perfumed petals. Little by little my thoughts cleared although I could not forget my frightful experience of Hell. When I awoke souls whom I did not recognize welcomed me. They were as light as butterflies. They were clothed in multicolored robes. Their countenances reflected happiness and goodness. They said to me: “Sister stand up. The Kingdom of the Heavenly Father welcomes you. Here His Spirit rules over all things. You are here by His Holy Will so that men may not seek after useless things. When you return to earth you must relate all you have seen.”
This celestial language was new to me, but I understood it as if it were my maternal tongue. I stood up trembling. I drank with these souls who accompanied me to a fountain. I soon forgot my fear and the horrible nightmare of Hell gradually receded from my mind. It was like waking from a frightful dream, which one forgets as soon as one becomes fully awake. I began to talk. “I have just come from Hell. It is an eternal night there, no dawn, no light or dusk, no sun, no blue sky or white clouds. The earth has neither trees nor fruit; everything is vacant except for the tenebrous fires and much suffering. Then there is the boast of Satan to send to earth the AntiChrist to reduce men to slavery.” They said, “We pray continuously to the Lord God and His answer is this: “the time is not yet ripe, let man continue to live.” I continued, “Down there in Hell I saw…” I was interrupted. “Say no more, we know all that goes on in Hell, the torments and suffering that sinners go through. Here, on the contrary, is paradise, filled with perfection as God reigns gloriously amidst the sweet chanting of the Seraphim. Only very pious souls live here. The source of the light produced only sublime thoughts. The spring water was so pure that the angels’ wings are actually silvery. Here the Just are not obliged to do anything except enjoy the delights of creation. Everywhere fruits were blooming and ripening.”
By the spring was a precious stone, different from any that I had ever seen on earth. It was so heavy I could barely lift it. I asked: “Whose precious stone is this? Is it worth a lot?" “Certainly,” was the reply. “It is of considerable worth, your earth does not possess such a treasure, nor the riches to acquire it. Here in Heaven the Lord gives them to those who live with Him. If you feel weak, leave it on the ground, no one will touch it. You have just awakened. Look further and you will see far more beautiful stones than this one. Here no one sells or buys them because there are innumerable treasures in such quantity. When you have been here longer you will not even notice them. Our greatest joys are the Feast Days which gives us the opportunity of flying to the different planets where we can admire God’s glorious creation. On these days we may visit our loved ones. Only on Feast Days do we see our parents and friends.”
Then I heard very sweet music. Dropping the precious stone I followed further. Surrounding me was a Divine odor of perfume. We stopped near a waterfall to gaze at the splendid panorama, and my companion joined our group. He placed a crown of flowers on my head saying, “Here is Eternal Springtime” All around were majestic palms waving in the gentle breeze. My companion pointed out to me the intricate paths and divers objects, which I cannot name in our limited earthly language. “Come,” he said, “I shall take you to the other planets now. These are the planets where reside the souls of the other religions: those who have lived just and good lives, believed in the Supreme Being, and practiced the Law of God. Also pagans who have lived according to the natural law and maintained a just and good life!” As he said this, we reached another planet, truly beautiful but not as beautiful as the planet of the Christians. There was more desert. The music of the birds was noticeable. At times the angels flew aloft singing canticles to the Creator.
2. Planets of the souls of the Just (Christians who died with Sanctifying Grace)
During the flight I admired the different aspects of the celestial marvels. We saw great comets with long flaming tails; some even with two or three tails. Some going slowly and others so fast that they left a trail of golden sparks behind them. In the profound depths of the heavens we saw stars suddenly dislodge themselves from space and then shoot out into the infinite distance. Some solo, some in groups, with thousands forming a golden shower. Some were so bright that they blinded our eyes. This spectacle was so grandiose and so inconceivable that I felt like a tiny speck in this immense universe of God’s creation. My companion said, “There is nothing on earth comparable to what is to be seen after life. Man can subjugate all the forces of nature but will never unravel or conceive any idea of the mysteries of the hereafter. Do you see those specks of light? They are the planets on which life everlasting exists. Now we shall fly to the worlds where the souls of the Christians live. They are separated by immense space and are inaccessible."
We continued our flight in space until we approached a planet similar in shape to earth but much smaller. When we alighted I observed that the soil was neither brown nor gray but clearly red. Streams of water flowed in all directions on the plains. There were also many lakes. The waters of the streams and lakes were of a beautiful turquoise color. On the horizon were purple-colored mountains. Everything was different. The air was light and wholesome and I could breathe very freely.
We came closer to the blessed inhabitants of this region. They spoke of a new soul from Paradise who had told them of the grandeur and glory of the Lord God Almighty, whose omniscience and majesty accorded them the joy and gifts of this heavenly life. No distance was too great and all was accessible. They enjoyed everything to their ultimate satisfaction and no one was ever frightened. “Because of His promise, we await the new Heaven and the new earth where live the just” (Peter 2: 3-13).
When they ceased talking we heard a melodious sacred hymn. I looked with great admiration at these simple holy souls. When I asked my companion how one attains this bliss he said, “They showed appreciation for everything that happened to them on earth.” We ascended to the top of the mountain where we admired the panorama before us. What a grandiose spectacle! Spacious prairies bloomed with divers flowers and fruit trees whose branches, laden with the most delicious fruit, bent to the ground. Golden rays of light penetrated the palms in the forests, their softly murmuring branches swaying in the gentle breeze. These fruits were unknown on earth. They tasted like mellowed wine. As I gazed around me nature seemed to chant, “All this is God’s reward for the just.”
My companion said, “Now that I have shown you the region where the just live, you must also know that their souls often descend to earth invisibly on Feast Days to visit their families and friends or their own burial places. Because no sooner that they are buried and pass on to eternity are they forgotten by their indifferent relatives who no longer pray or visit their tombs. Now I shall take you to the eternal dwelling that your mother enjoys.”
3. The place where mother of the authoress dwells
After admiring the panorama we flew to the place where my mother dwells. We reached it quickly. It seemed bigger than the earth. The time was midday. The sky was pure blue with little white clouds floating about. The tops of the mountains reflected silver and gold from the sunlight. Precious stones of divers colors and brilliance were scattered among the rocks by a prodigious Hand. I heard the gentle murmur of cascading waterfalls. Trickling streams flowed into rivers which emptied into numerous lakes, all serenely reflecting the sky and clouds.
The surroundings were marvelous. Here there was an uninterrupted light. The sun shone all day followed by luminous and brilliant stars emitting a wonderful blue light. We walked along a wide path, which led to a splendid garden surrounded by a wall of thick-leafed Cyprus trees. In this perfumed region the beauty of the flowers of diverse colors impressed me. They were glorious. Their soft perfume filled the air as I breathed in exultant joy. No earthly painter could ever capture the image. It was clear to me that the Holy Ghost gave this harmony and ineffable pleasure to those who had attained eternal bliss. There was beauty and peace as angels floating about like butterflies.
From a thicket I heard the familiar voice of my mother. I approached it. On hearing it I had a desire for nothing else other than to meet her. I saw my mother, more beautiful than ever, tall and slim, enveloped in vaporous veils. Her eyes were the same as on earth but her face had a different expression. She looked more suave and refined. Her hair was shining and combed in a different manner. Her skin was smooth and she had a bright halo above her head. An aura shone around her and also those who were with her. As she spoke with them, I eagerly listened to each of her words. Oh! It was so wonderful to see my own mother after her savage death in the hands of the assassins. How wonderful to see her in Paradise full of this ecstasy and beatitude. My soul was inflamed with joy as I watched her every movement. I noticed how her eyes were fixed on a large lake that looked like the palette of an artist as it reflected all the colors of the flowers. At last, I went towards her, overwhelmed with admiration and expectation. I called her “Mummy” as in my childhood while weeping tears of joy. I kissed her hands and my heart stopped beating. But she did not seem to notice my anguish, nor my presence, but kept on looking at the lake with a serene smile. I came close to her resting my face on her chest and said, “Mummy, why are you so indifferent to my loving caress? Say a word to your daughter.” But she was silent. “Don’t you remember me?” I said, and kissed the hem of her garment and held her in my embrace, but like a vapor she disappeared. I felt very sad and asked my companion, “Perhaps she doesn’t recognize me anymore?” He replied, “You are an earthling, whereas she is beatified in Paradise.”
We journeyed further into the azure twilight amidst the brilliant flowers that were lit up by the presence of God. The sun does not shine here, only God’s brightness. As we traveled further I was sad to leave the planet where my mother was. My companion said, “Do not be so sad, you saw how she attained her reward. We shall see her again with your father when we assist at the great festival of Easter. I shall now show you another planet, of whose splendor you will be more astonished because God in his infinite love reigns over all creatures. He has also thought of the animals for whom He has reserved a place after their death. This is the planet towards which we are going.”
4. Planets of the Saints
There were other planets to visit so we moved off again. Just above was a very beautiful star towards which we directed out flight. Just as we neared it it disappeared. We penetrated through a dense vapor that cooled the atmosphere with its shade. Then we saw very tall palm trees with thick foliage that created a peaceful and relaxed atmosphere. On the palms were hanging heavily large bunches of strange fruit, perfumed and juicy. Periodically the blue sky adorned itself with multi-colored rays that reflected on everything.
This planet was more dignified than the others. Treasures were abundant. The mountains were golden with precious stones spread over them, which sparkled so much as to blind the eyes. The azure lakes were like mirrors reflecting the multicolored flowers. We descended on to the plain of flowers and I observed how the golden branches of the fruit trees touched the ground with their load of golden ripe fruit. I tasted some of the fruit, which melted in my mouth. I could not match the flavor with any earthly fruit nor even the texture. Then I saw shafts of multicolored rays reflecting on silvery cascades of crystalline waterfalls. “This is the dwelling for Saints,” said my companion. I asked, “Are different degrees of sanctity given different rewards?” He replied, “Yes, life here differs as much as the difference from planet to planet. Everyone gets what he deserves for eternity. Those who spend their eternity here are the Saints who lived spiritual lives while on earth and made great sacrifices. They gave glory to God by converting many souls and doing much good by their example and deeds, despising all earthly pleasure and comfort. Through them the Lord grants pardon and works miracles of grace to all who invoke His Will. To those on earth who pray to them, implore them to obtain graces and benefits, who remember their Feast Days, they impart their marvelous intercession.”
Surrounding us was soft music from invisible harps. The Saints moved about, leaving no footprints. Their movements, gesticulations and chanting were unforgettable. Again the Angels drifted above them. Oh, this is Heaven with its sweet music. I entered a dwelling and saw a Saint deep in thought, his eyes fixed in space. My companion explained that this Saint was transferring his thoughts to a friend in another world.
We slowed down and reached the summit of a mountain. From this vantage point we heard church bells chiming all around us, even right into one’s being. I sensed these sounds even in my soul. It was announcing the great Feast of early Easter Dawn to all the Angels and Saints and the whole Universe. I looked around and my companion said, “I will have to go with the others. You will have to look after yourself.” Suddenly I was provided with a pair of wings. I unfolded them gently and started to fly enjoying the goodness of immortal life. The Heavenly Choir sang the Gospel of the Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Resurrection.
5. The Authoress entered Heaven
And thus I entered Heaven where each murmur was a prayer and the whole atmosphere was filled with incense. How splendid, vast and luminous it was. From all directions bright lights, illumined by the power of God, shone upon the worthy inhabitants of Paradise reunited to celebrate the grandiose feast.
I was greatly impressed by the garlands of flowers that adorned the altars before which incense mounted to God the Creator. What a marvelous feast. The hair of the female Saints were combed in different styles unlike anything on earth, but they were suave and perfumed. Their clothing was not of material, but of large scented leaves which glistened with the dew still on them. I heard the rustle of these leaves which even emitted tiny drops of dew. Others were dressed in velvet, not unlike the wings of gigantic butterflies. Some were wearing light blue, others light green, pink and pale primrose, lavender, etc. Each color denoted their different merits. The effect was stupendous as each Saint was surrounded by an aura of his own coloring. Then I saw beautiful angels dressed in pale blue with white wings, looking eternally youthful and joyous.
Then night fell around and over us like a somber veil. All eyes lifted with luminous expectancy as the choir chanted gently. “All is in Christ and Christ is in all.” The singing was so harmonious; it was indescribable. All waited in silence with their arms crossed over their hearts. In the distance was heard the rustling of wings as thousands of angels began singing, “Christ is risen.” All those present wept silently as the hymn, increasing in volume, recalled the Passion of Christ. The Universal Church sounded the Easter Hymn and all awaited with quiet emotion the approach of Christ.
The singing of the birds ceased; the angel choir also. Thousands of murmuring in the forest were suspended. Everything natural and of nature waited with bated breath for the Risen Christ. The joyous choir of the Cherubim chanted marvelously from on high in the heavens the first melody of Easter. Their little golden wings fluttered like petals with their delicate little heads slightly inclined as they surrounded the Risen Christ. Their voices were so gentle and lovely; they could only be classed as heavenly. There were myriad of these Cherubs, their fluttering wings and voices so splendid as to be impossible to describe. They filled the soul with such emotion that one wanted to weep and sing at the same time.
Then Christ, more resplendent and more brilliant than the sun, illuminated the whole environment. Roses in profusion surrounded the Cherubim who extended their little arms from behind their wings towards Christ. Our Lord’s blue eyes reflected such tender love with their radiance. His garments gave forth luminous rays. The Spirit of the Most High was triumphant over his enemies and all the heavenly inhabitants rejoiced. His countenance was truly illustrious. Their smiling faces greeted him with “Hail to our Glorious Savior” as the celestial music and trumpets intermingled. Again, it was indescribable. The musical notes were completely unknown to the human ear. The sweetness and sanctity of it elevated the soul with cheerfulness that one’s only desire was to give glory and thanks to the Lord God. The choirs alternated in response to the Cherubim.
The Most Holy Virgin Mary placed herself at the feet of our Savior. Nearby was St. Michael the Archangel who carried a luminous cross. All were silent as the Archangel raised his voice, which came forth like streams of lightning, saying “Christ has Risen”. Millions of souls replied “Truly, He has Risen. Alleluia!”
I saw a Saint whose appearance reminded me of someone that I had known a long time ago pass me. Trembling with emotions I listened to the multitude of voices repeating and chanting, “Christ has Risen, Alleluia!” The Cherubim flew around in jubilance, joyously chanting the bliss of eternal life. The chanting filled me with ecstatic joy. The Just know that thousands of years in Heaven is likened to a day. The music of harps was heard throughout the Heavenly court, filled with joyous canticles of love and praise.
The culmination of the great Feast was the encounter of friends and relatives. It was not like our meeting on earth. These pure spirits have feelings that vibrate to the other soul. Paradise is impregnated with this sacred love and I watched brother meet sister in an atmosphere that was electric with vibration. There was no need for words; each soul was transparent and had nothing to hide. Whereupon one friend or relative encountered another, their haloes intermingling and becoming more radiant, not forgetting first to praise the Lord. I saw men and women of different nations and cultures meet others who lived long ago prior to themselves; yet all felt united in the Lord.
The whole environment was radiant with luminous rays from the love of the Creator. What other love can be compared to this? God is love. He bestowed this great gift which is sacred, elevated and non-terrestrial. Intoning hymns of praise, two souls encountered each other, and then flew off in a state of ecstatic love. My companion said, “Without love, Heaven would not be perfect.” So it has been said, “Those who have loved on earth will be united after death.” I said to him, “You promised to show me my parents on the great Feast Day.” He replied, “How is it that you did not see them? Look they are there.” Then I recognized my parents. I felt such emotion, tenderness and an infinite love for them. But they disappeared suddenly.
Glancing at everyone I observed how happy and intelligent they were. No one had any problem or required any counsel because God has given them light to know His decrees; hence, all were content. If God was to offer a beggar a kingdom on earth, he would beg and beg sincerely to remain in Heaven with celestial joy. Oh, how sweet life is hereafter. As the hymns of benediction mounted, Christ spoke to all the elect but no one approached His Sacred Person.
6. Intercession of the Blessed Virgin for the Living
At this point the Holy Virgin addressed Her Divine Son with this prayer, “O Lord and Savior, a whole nation has fallen under the reign of the cruel enemy. To whom shall they implore for deliverance from these chains? Thou alone, O Christ the Savior, can lift the dark and painful existence from them through Thy Grace and Mercy. Save and protect them, O Lord. Give them light and guide them in their dark days of enslavement. Give clemency to those exiles. Deliver them from their trials. They implore me in their helplessness. Thy great Mercy is greater than their faults.” Thus prayed Holy Mother Mary. Then a Saint, adorned in a golden habit, knelt before Christ and stretching out his arms he prayed thus: “O Lord, recalling Thy victorious Resurrection on this illuminating day, give liberty to the people thou has entrusted to my care. Enliven their faith and guide them to the true faith. Lord be merciful to my people of Russia who weep. I was there to see how fervently they implore Thy mercy, except for the few impious, O Christ Savior of the world. Thou art all powerful. Help my people.”
I was feeling admiration when I recognized my sovereign Emperor praying before God. He added, “O Lord, forgive us all, we are thine inheritance.” Christ then spoke of eternal life and we listened attentively. The words of Our Lord were so elevated and profound that in my earthly state and limitation, I could not relate it although my soul understood. One cannot listen to Christ’s words without being elevated. Such was the mystery on this glorious Feast of Easter. Our Holy Mother, in all Her resplendent glory assumed Her place beside Her Divine Son. My Emperor then said, “Thy Divine Will and Wisdom are greater than I.” Then a wave of enthusiasm seized us all and Christ ascended higher. But where? A mystery! This mystery the soul cannot solve, nor can the eye see where God dwells.
Christ mounted higher and higher with Him His Holy Mother who was marvelously splendid in her majesty. They disappeared in this sea of light. The beatified sang, “Glory to Thee, O infinite Lord, Sun and Breath of Paradise. Thy brilliance never obscures the breath of our lives. We see through our spiritual sight the universe of Thy Kingdom. Thy gaze is like an arrow that pierces each soul and directs its destiny. Thy eternal beauty is reflected in the miracle of each star which you designed in Your infinite Wisdom in the Sacred Order of Heaven.”
Such was the hymn sung by the Angelic Choirs as Christ ascended higher and higher until He had disappeared into Mystery. Then all the beatified flew, one toward another, children towards their parents, friends towards friends, husbands towards wives while others descended to earth to visit their dear ones. I am unable to describe the nature of the ecstatic excitement that took place which, itself, cannot be made known. If men could only know what takes place in Heaven, they would constantly pray for death because one joy follows another endlessly. I cannot relate more other than the fact that I was greatly privileged to visit Heaven.
VI. Conclusion
Quite suddenly I felt a general weakness. I felt the sensation of being loaded with a heavy garment. Again, it was a rude awakening to my light and ethereal feeling. I moved my head, stretched my arms and felt the sheet over me. I was confused when I opened my eyes. Instead of seeing the beauty of Heaven, I saw the white ceiling of the room and the white walls of the bric-a-brac hospital. My dreams had truly ended. I awoke after nine days of lethargic sleep.
From Hankow, China I had to go to the great city of Shanghai for an urgent operation. On the shores of the river were large and superb buildings that housed European and Chinese banks. Luxurious hotels were built to resemble the Imperial Palace and big business buildings in the main streets. Shop windows were piled high with expensive jewelry to tempt the eye of the beholder. The scintillating gaiety of the nightclubs and restaurants, with their popular dancing and rhythm, reached the peak of sensual pleasure. But for me it was sad and penitential to observe all of this. What misery! What shabbiness and paltriness! What indescribable emptiness after the scenes which I had witnessed. And they certainly await you, also, after your sojourn on this earth. My only regret is that I am so limited in my expression of the beauty and splendor that is Heaven. Nor is it possible to describe that which I experienced in my soul in human language, the sublime beauty and sentiments of spiritual love. The universe of the Creator is so vast that the greatest conquest of nature achieved by man is comparable to a grain of sand or a drop in the ocean.
And now, arriving at the last page of this writing, I say “Adieu” to my friends and readers as I recall these Holy words: “Our Father who art in Heaven, Thy Holy Will be eternally done.”
Note: You can buy the book Experience in Eternity in St. Paul's religious bookstores for P100.
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